Looking to sell with us? Here's how!
Buying Process
- Buying days are scheduled to allow the public to bring in items to sell.
- We buy womens, mens, and children's new and gently used clothing, shoes and accessories.
- Payment for items is immediate - cash or store credit!
Sell v. Consign

When bringing in items, they are evaluated to be immediately purchased.
No need to wait for the item to sell to be paid!
Consignment services are exclusively offered for select high-end and couture designer pieces. Eligible items generally have retail price points above $300.
If you would like more information on consignment, please visit our Services page and fill out a consignment request form.
- NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED! Walk-ins welcome on scheduled buying days.
- Max 25 item limit - In-season items - new & like-new, clean condition
- Designer must be listed on Brands we Love
- Folded in plastic container/bin reusable shopping tote/bag
- NO trash bags hangers or boxes
- you must stay/return by 5pm same day to finalize the transaction
- no overnight storage
During the appraisal process, if we find multiple items not in compliance with our guidelines, we will end the appraisal immediately, without providing an offer.
Buying Calendar
WED APRIL 30 (10AM - 2PM)
Drop off hours are from 10am - 4pm unless specified otherwise.
**Please note these dates are planned in advance, and offered to our customers for their convenience. With that, please respect the fact that circumstances, inventory levels, and availability change, so these dates may vary as these may arise.**